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Person centred primary care and Prehabilitation/rehabilitation for cancer patients

Dear cancer champions,

I wanted to flag up a couple of opportunities coming up that you may wish to share across your PCNs.

Person-centred primary care

Please see the attached flyer outlines a programme for health professionals in primary care settings to implement or improve Holistic Needs Assessment and/or Cancer Care Review clinics, aiding the personalised care and support planning agenda.

Prehabilitation and rehabilitation toolkit

We also wanted to make PCNs aware of a new interactive toolkit. Check out the toolkit via Rehabilitation toolkit welcome to Wessex Cancer Alliance or to find out more about the demo sessions see details below.

Prehabilitation and rehabilitation in cancer – interactive toolkit and service improvement tool

We have developed an interactive toolkit and self-audit tool to support the improvement of care and services for people with cancer, by encouraging a standardised approach to screening and assessment, delivery of interventions and measurement of outcomes.

The resources are designed for any health and care staff who are designing, developing or delivering prehabilitation and rehabilitation for people with cancer, including Integrated Care Boards and Commissioners, Cancer Care teams, community services and third sector organisations.

This work raises the profile of a wide variety of roles that are, and have, the potential to be involved in providing prehabilitation and rehabilitation care and support for people with cancer by informing different stakeholders about what good prehabilitation and rehabilitation looks like.

Two online demonstrations will be held on Tuesday 18th June 1pm to 2pm and Tuesday 2nd July 1pm to 2pm to promote these resources and explain how the toolkit and improvement tool can be beneficial to you, your service and your service users.

If you would like to register for one of these online demonstrations, please contact Abi Desouza.

Many thanks, Vicki